Just getting started?
(These resources may prove helpful)
...don't think you have to spend a lot of money and go into debt to begin blogging or building a website. So much information is out there for free. For now, purchase the essentials. Scrounge around and use what you have. Then, do more as you go along.
Need webhosting? bluehost is the perfect company for beginning bloggers. They even provide a free domain name for the first year, and a one-click wordpress install.
50mm 1.8 Canon lens - This is a great lens for food photography. It is a prime lens, which means no zoom. At some point most food photographers add other lenses to their toolkit, for example, a macro lens. I suggest beginning with a 50mm lens. It is quite a bit less expensive than its sister, the 1.4 lens.
domain names - when deciding on a name for your blog, be sure to check whether that domain name is still available by pulling up the site whois.net and typing in your desired domain name.
Tasty Food Photography by Lindsay Ostrom - What I like best about this ebook is that Ostrom provides the basic
knowledge a food photographer needs and makes it simple. She shoots mainly in natural light, explains camera
basics, food
styling essentials, simple props, and Photoshop basic tips to make your photos look more enticing. I learned a ton
from this ebook.
How I Made 40k My First Year of Blogging by Chelsea Lords - A month by month explanation of how to grow and monetize
a food blog. Loaded with helpful tips on how to get started blogging.
The Bite Shot - This site is all about photography education, so if you're looking to up your photography game,
check out the helpful tutorials. Joanie Simon specializes in teaching about artifical light for food photography.
Food Blogger Pro; Eat, Capture, Share; Smart Passive Income; Side Hustle School.
getting a little technical (oh yes, you can do it)
SEO - Google provides a Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide for free that is packed with useful information for beginners. How to make your site mobile-friendly and how to determine whether your site is in Google's index. A great place to start learning about SEO.
wanna learn a little coding? Look into the Hour of Code at Khan Academy and learn a bit about html and css. Also, Learn Code Academy on youtube is very helpful for beginners.